THE CINEMA at Art Brussels
April 18 - 21, 2013
THE CINEMA is a specially designed structure with comfortable cinema seating where one can view shorter duration videos and films, on two screens, in an appropriate setting. The films were selected from gallery submissions by Katerina Gregos, artistic director of Art Brussels and have been grouped into two screening programmes that run in a continuous loop. During the fair, further information on each film, and the order the films will be screened in, can be obtained in a special leaflet available at THE CINEMA in Terminal 1.
This programme includes works that largely focus on the formal and phenomenological properties of the moving image, on the materiality of film, on perceptual phenomena, and on formal and visual experiments with colour, image, language, text as well as the body. Film and video as painting, as a tool in documenting performative and choreographed rituals, as the time and lens - based result of explorations between animation, found images and the spoken word are some examples one will see here. The works presented mostly articulate structuralist concerns, pay homage to the legacy of experimental film, and subvert linear narrative structures and notions of time. If narrative is deployed it is not so much to tell ‘a story’ but rather to reconstruct and pay homage to the avant-garde and the legacy of modernism, or to articulate the relationship between viewer and image by testing the role of language in this respect. Many of the artists play with perception and highlight the experience of film itself and the position of the viewer in this equation. Often one will observe a recurring concern in the analysis of space – whether filmic or physical – and an exploration of the position of the body. Some of the works rest on pure perceptual or optical play, while others are formally hybrid, combining elements of performance, painting and sculpture or different image sources.